Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Freeze Patch Heart Gold

Tuesday 18 January 2011
(Sächsische Zeitung)

competition has Huttig in Poland importance

Lord, how are you after the piano competition?

The competition has eroded in the forces. However, for me it was again a pleasant cultural highlight.
How is the quality of the competition?

Originally, the competition only for the Goerlitz and Zgorzelec music schools planned. The first quality was thrust through the participation of Wroclaw pianist. Since 2008, we see a tremendous increase in quality of the enlargement to other Polish cities like Krakow and Poznan.

If you look at the participants, they come exclusively from Poland. Why are there fewer German participants?

That's always been a serious problem. Wroclaw and Krakow pianists have raised the level considerably. In eastern Saxony, there are few comparable participants. It is also now being made increasingly in the former West Germany for the competition advertising.

What is your impression of the audience?

It is indeed only a small audience, a selected group. The general population has little interest. Nevertheless, the audience was enthusiastic.

What does "Young Musicians' Competition in comparison to?

The competitions can not be compared directly. Generally one can say that competition in Poland - unlike Germany - has a very high priority.

can you already say what changes there are 2012?

What changes are coming, I can not say yet. I wish, however, the new competition, we find that more German students. The difficulty is, Stuttgart or Cologne deutlich zu machen, was es in der Provinz für Möglichkeiten gibt. Außerdem könnte das Theater voller, die Publikumsbandbreite größer werden. Und die Stadt Görlitz muss sich stärker engagieren.

Gespräch: Michael Zimmermann


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