Friday, November 26, 2010

How Long Is Lauren Londons Weave?

Ein Erfinder unter Erfindern

Today we were able to invite thanks to Mr. Kempf's contacts, an inventor with us. It was Dr. Reinhard Latsch to us to us the engineering profession to get a little closer.

Dr. Reinhard pine was in the 70 years after graduating in mechanical engineering and worked in another study chemical engineering in Karlsruhe at Bosch in Stuttgart in product development. He developed a novel time there prechamber spark plug with four instead of an electrode, which reduced the concentration of nitrogen oxide in car exhaust fumes by half. Due to an eddy current combustion in the combustion chamber, which was based on the principle of the spark plug, the engine is total quiet, so that could make it there one time, 5-DM coin on the vertical cylinder, and it is not fallen.

on his invention (patent No. U.S. 2,522,577 and DE 2715943), Dr. a dwarf in product development. He decorated the entry with anecdotes from his life, such as about 35 sleepless nights in his engineering existence.

Before a product can be produced, it has the following way to go "out there" in the art: In the beginning the task, then comes the idea, followed by the development that goes hand in hand with the search of patents and patent application, then first-come applications.
We had already, thanks Steinbeis Transfer Center, workshops in creativity and rights. The development of a product we were not so new. Nevertheless, it was clear to us again, what is a huge and time-consuming process behind such a product development. With plenty of time in product development is a crucial factor.

The technology behind this invention was, for most of us and especially exciting to this, Mr. Latsch overwhelmed with questions. Even the way that the novel product is gone, was very interesting and thanks to the interactive tour through a system developed by Dr. Latsch paper and the computer to perform well after. And last but not least, it was interesting to hear what Schwierigkeiten es in der Entwicklung gab.

Herr Dr. Reinhard Latsch machte uns "kleinen" Erfindern Mut, weiter zu erfinden und hob heraus, dass Begeisterung das A und O hinter einer Erfindung sei. Nicht unbedingt genauestes Detailverständnis.

Übrigens: Herr Dr. Latsch ist immer noch ein begeisterter Tüftler. Heute entwickelt er nicht mehr aktiv, selektiert jedoch für Unternehmen neue Patente.


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