Was ist Liebe ?
love is ..
... to understand the other even without words
... unconditionally ... the other to accept with all its faults and appreciate ...
to sacrifice for the others in every situation ... the
search for the lost half of ourselves
... wonderful ... & vital
an invention of people.
protect themselves ... when two lonely, touch and talk.
... life, because they open feeling, intellect and senses.
... to see with every fiber of his heart for someone wenn er nicht da ist.
...wenn man jemanden liebt, obwohl man ihn kennt.
...sich weiterzuentwickeln
...mit einem glücklich zu sein und ihn am besten für immer in die arme schließen kann und nie wieder loslässt
...wenn zwei herzen zu einem verschmelzen
...den anderen schon zu vermissen, obwohl er noch bei einem ist
Aber Liebe ist auch...
...verrückt und dickköpfig
Aber in Wirklichkeit ist Liebe nur eines: unbeschreiblich !
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Can You Still Get Pregnant With Cervical Erosion
mikromakro-hoba goes wordpress
We have decided to and that we move our blog on WordPress. Word Press is the leading blogging platform, and will remain so. Wordpress offers us more opportunities to make our blog.
our blog, you can now be reached at nwtproject.wordpress.com .
This blog is administered not more of us.
Stay true to ourselves, and up-to-date with our new blog platform WordPress .
We have decided to and that we move our blog on WordPress. Word Press is the leading blogging platform, and will remain so. Wordpress offers us more opportunities to make our blog.
our blog, you can now be reached at nwtproject.wordpress.com .
This blog is administered not more of us.
Stay true to ourselves, and up-to-date with our new blog platform WordPress .
Friday, December 10, 2010
Completely Precipitate
Kleine Schritte...
Today was the work of our project is not as successful as the previous day. Nevertheless, much has been done.
Today was
Today was the work of our project is not as successful as the previous day. Nevertheless, much has been done.
Today was
- Die Fertigkeiten im Platinenätzen vertieft
- Eine neue Methode zur Digitalisierung des Schaltkreises ausprobiert
- Unser neuer "Foliendrucker" eingeweiht und installiert
- Festgestellt, dass falsche Folien für die Belichtung der Platine gekauft wurden (Die Folien können jedoch noch umgetaucht werden)
- Die Arbeit am Platinenbelichter vertieft
- Unsere Ätzlösung angesetzt
- Der Platinenätzer in ohne Platine ausprobiert
- Besseres Management in den Gruppen
- Das Vorhandensein aller Utensilien die you need to work
- We go with 3 teams next Friday in the race.
- The 1 Team looks after the exposure of the board and the subsequent etching
- The 2 Team takes care of the suspension of the generator directly to the door closers
- The 3rd Team takes care of the Function of the etched circuit
- prevails idle in each group, then right on and given.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Continuity Test For A Stator
Friday, December 3, 2010
Universal Smart Charger
Ein langer Weg bis zum Ziel
have noticed today we that it is a long way to our first prototype. In addition, the printer can be ordered for the film Platinenätzen coming, which makes our work really is not.
Still, we had today a new idea for fixing the generator at our door. We will not weld, but stifteln. We all hope that next week, ordered materials, small parts, tools, and are eingetrudelt especially our new drill press to come to our project a little further.
Richard, Nina and Laura have made today, the digitization of the electronic circuit board for our circuit largely completed to ask. So we can begin to etch next Friday. Of course, that the printer is there then.
Nicolai and Soren have now paid attention to the mounting of the generator at the strike continues, the rest was occupied with research. Mr Kuntze finally ordered the materials for the advancement of our project.
have noticed today we that it is a long way to our first prototype. In addition, the printer can be ordered for the film Platinenätzen coming, which makes our work really is not.
Still, we had today a new idea for fixing the generator at our door. We will not weld, but stifteln. We all hope that next week, ordered materials, small parts, tools, and are eingetrudelt especially our new drill press to come to our project a little further.
Richard, Nina and Laura have made today, the digitization of the electronic circuit board for our circuit largely completed to ask. So we can begin to etch next Friday. Of course, that the printer is there then.
Nicolai and Soren have now paid attention to the mounting of the generator at the strike continues, the rest was occupied with research. Mr Kuntze finally ordered the materials for the advancement of our project.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Increased Cm After Period
Es schneit es schneit kommt alle aus dem Haus !
Last night, on the way home from the gym, I said to my Mom: It's so cold. I think it would rain now, then it would snow. Et Voila
: I wake up this morning, beat the little eyes and look out of my window to a beautiful white winter world. The bright white has made me instantly awake and I'm sockfuß ran out like a little kid and I've turned in a circle and laughed. I've made a snowball and hit even the dining room window. So I got my parents said I am humble and I'm awake for breakfast. ;-)
Hach, I am happy that snow has a positive influence on me! :-)
Last night, on the way home from the gym, I said to my Mom: It's so cold. I think it would rain now, then it would snow. Et Voila
: I wake up this morning, beat the little eyes and look out of my window to a beautiful white winter world. The bright white has made me instantly awake and I'm sockfuß ran out like a little kid and I've turned in a circle and laughed. I've made a snowball and hit even the dining room window. So I got my parents said I am humble and I'm awake for breakfast. ;-)
Hach, I am happy that snow has a positive influence on me! :-)
Friday, November 26, 2010
Newborn Baby Flem Mucus
How Long Is Lauren Londons Weave?
Ein Erfinder unter Erfindern
Today we were able to invite thanks to Mr. Kempf's contacts, an inventor with us. It was Dr. Reinhard Latsch to us to us the engineering profession to get a little closer.
Dr. Reinhard pine was in the 70 years after graduating in mechanical engineering and worked in another study chemical engineering in Karlsruhe at Bosch in Stuttgart in product development. He developed a novel time there prechamber spark plug with four instead of an electrode, which reduced the concentration of nitrogen oxide in car exhaust fumes by half. Due to an eddy current combustion in the combustion chamber, which was based on the principle of the spark plug, the engine is total quiet, so that could make it there one time, 5-DM coin on the vertical cylinder, and it is not fallen.
on his invention (patent No. U.S. 2,522,577 and DE 2715943), Dr. a dwarf in product development. He decorated the entry with anecdotes from his life, such as about 35 sleepless nights in his engineering existence.
Before a product can be produced, it has the following way to go "out there" in the art: In the beginning the task, then comes the idea, followed by the development that goes hand in hand with the search of patents and patent application, then first-come applications.
We had already, thanks Steinbeis Transfer Center, workshops in creativity and rights. The development of a product we were not so new. Nevertheless, it was clear to us again, what is a huge and time-consuming process behind such a product development. With plenty of time in product development is a crucial factor.
The technology behind this invention was, for most of us and especially exciting to this, Mr. Latsch overwhelmed with questions. Even the way that the novel product is gone, was very interesting and thanks to the interactive tour through a system developed by Dr. Latsch paper and the computer to perform well after. And last but not least, it was interesting to hear what Schwierigkeiten es in der Entwicklung gab.
Herr Dr. Reinhard Latsch machte uns "kleinen" Erfindern Mut, weiter zu erfinden und hob heraus, dass Begeisterung das A und O hinter einer Erfindung sei. Nicht unbedingt genauestes Detailverständnis.
Übrigens: Herr Dr. Latsch ist immer noch ein begeisterter Tüftler. Heute entwickelt er nicht mehr aktiv, selektiert jedoch für Unternehmen neue Patente.
Today we were able to invite thanks to Mr. Kempf's contacts, an inventor with us. It was Dr. Reinhard Latsch to us to us the engineering profession to get a little closer.
Dr. Reinhard pine was in the 70 years after graduating in mechanical engineering and worked in another study chemical engineering in Karlsruhe at Bosch in Stuttgart in product development. He developed a novel time there prechamber spark plug with four instead of an electrode, which reduced the concentration of nitrogen oxide in car exhaust fumes by half. Due to an eddy current combustion in the combustion chamber, which was based on the principle of the spark plug, the engine is total quiet, so that could make it there one time, 5-DM coin on the vertical cylinder, and it is not fallen.
on his invention (patent No. U.S. 2,522,577 and DE 2715943), Dr. a dwarf in product development. He decorated the entry with anecdotes from his life, such as about 35 sleepless nights in his engineering existence.
Before a product can be produced, it has the following way to go "out there" in the art: In the beginning the task, then comes the idea, followed by the development that goes hand in hand with the search of patents and patent application, then first-come applications.
We had already, thanks Steinbeis Transfer Center, workshops in creativity and rights. The development of a product we were not so new. Nevertheless, it was clear to us again, what is a huge and time-consuming process behind such a product development. With plenty of time in product development is a crucial factor.
The technology behind this invention was, for most of us and especially exciting to this, Mr. Latsch overwhelmed with questions. Even the way that the novel product is gone, was very interesting and thanks to the interactive tour through a system developed by Dr. Latsch paper and the computer to perform well after. And last but not least, it was interesting to hear what Schwierigkeiten es in der Entwicklung gab.
Herr Dr. Reinhard Latsch machte uns "kleinen" Erfindern Mut, weiter zu erfinden und hob heraus, dass Begeisterung das A und O hinter einer Erfindung sei. Nicht unbedingt genauestes Detailverständnis.
Übrigens: Herr Dr. Latsch ist immer noch ein begeisterter Tüftler. Heute entwickelt er nicht mehr aktiv, selektiert jedoch für Unternehmen neue Patente.
Community Service Hours For College
Friday, November 19, 2010
Vespa Helm Grandtourismo
Entwicklung geht weiter...
We ...
Der Nachmittag erwies sich wieder als sehr kurz und wir kommen wohl nicht umhin, nochmals ein mikro makro -Wochenende einzuschieben. Das gelingt uns wahrscheinlich nicht mehr vor Weihnachten.
Am nächsten Freitag besucht uns (wie schon in Twitter angekündigt) ein waschechter Erfinder.
Er wird uns über seine Erfindung erzählen und ein wenig über sein Ingenieurstudium plaudern.
Eine Zusammenfassung des Besuchs lässt sich hier im Blog nachlesen.
Heute, nicht lange nach dem 4. Regionalmeeting, traf sich das mikro makro -Team, um gemeinsam wieder an unserem Prototypen weiterzuarbeiten. Nach kurzer Reflexion des 4. Regiomeetings ging es dann ans Weiterarbeiten.
Today was the stock in the foreground. We ...
... | created another shopping list |
... | refined our electrical circuit diagram |
... | your turn to incorporate our rectifier in our Platinenätzplan |
... | refined the mounting structure of the generator at our door closer |
... | sanded smooth the sawn edges |
... | dachten Alternativen durch. |
Der Nachmittag erwies sich wieder als sehr kurz und wir kommen wohl nicht umhin, nochmals ein mikro makro -Wochenende einzuschieben. Das gelingt uns wahrscheinlich nicht mehr vor Weihnachten.
Am nächsten Freitag besucht uns (wie schon in Twitter angekündigt) ein waschechter Erfinder.
Er wird uns über seine Erfindung erzählen und ein wenig über sein Ingenieurstudium plaudern.
Eine Zusammenfassung des Besuchs lässt sich hier im Blog nachlesen.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Can Ringworm Be In More Than One Place
Das mikromakro-Team zu Gast in Villingen
Heute ab 7:15 Uhr fuhren wir zum 4. Regiomeeting in Villingen. The Steinbeis Transfer Center in Villingen Regional Meeting took this as an opportunity to celebrate themselves as "Land of Ideas" to leave.
We could hear a lecture about piracy and watched the matching movie "Flash of Genius." The vote of the film on the presentation was exemplary and didactic chosen wisely. The film highlighted the piracy problem, based on a true story. An inventor, Dr. of Electrical Engineering and a lecturer at a university manages the implementation of a grand, had not previously technically implemented the idea and is robbed. Ganz, as well as the micro- can undergo macro team. However, we are with the Steinbeis Transfer Centre safe against these attacks. How, I will come back later in the post yet. After the film was
it finger food and then started the talk marathon.
We were introduced to the Festo Education Fund, established for the promotion of prospective students and taught at the sorts of so-called soft skills would be (for example, building huts in the forest (the team) are working, captivate audiences verbally (rhetoric) , ...). The bridge between micro
macro FESTO and Education Fund was beaten: there are mentors who are micro-macro Contact Persons and to provide technical advice in the groups. Competent mentors do not know about a problem more notice may call the respective mentor other mentors together and discuss the problem. For each micro-macro team 2 mentors are provided.
Mr. Miller bridged the period until the arrival of Prof. Dr. Schick prepared with filler. In a stopgap, he noted that at the last Exhibition of Inventions (and here I return to o. Gen.), 6 of 8 registered patents through a patent attorney. Patents originated from the micro-project macro are free of charge and with the help of the Steinbeis Transfer Center of the patent attorneys were registered. In the patent application, there was consistently a problem: the employer had to the invention free. Since the invention was invented during the school year by each micro-macro team, the employer, the Regional Council (RP) was. The RP was in contact with the Steinbeis Transfer Center with the release of inventions not do anything. This is Mr Smith told an anecdote. The Steinbeis Transfer Center is not forget, that the disclosure of inventions would be accelerated.
Prof. Dr. Marion Schick, the chief of all the schools came to it. After the lecture and re-FESTO idea of micro- macro , You could connect to the lectern.
In your "non-paper";) praised it, the project micro-macro all borders. In speeches before, the so-called "MINT-gap" mentioned, which had included the Minister in her speech with. She was the wording of confidence that the MINT gap (not only) could be closed with the project micro macro as the participating students already exceptional amount of ideological position, technical understanding and curiosity mitbrächten to school . After making Prof. Schick to the micro-macro participating students and exceptional students.
presented after the lecture you have general questions. It was asked a question: The school system is too theoretical, if you can not bring a little more practice in the classroom? Ms Schick drew the following comparison: Practical work is an employee in the work of secondary schools and junior high schools forward. The school was created in theory. Then you concluded that it was important to discuss the desire to practice with the teachers concerned. Next
held them to the students to direct improvements in the public schools by e-mail personally to you. In the network to Mrs. Prof. Dr. Schick found the following e-mail address: Poststelle@km.kv.bwl.de .
We had lack of time and due to the train schedule before the awards ceremony " micro-macro as a land of ideas" go.
After the ceremony still Snike Competition and hosted exchange in the micro- macro had - place groups.
In my view we must forget in all micro-macro not a euphoria. And that is: the teacher as the primary task and as a primary task of the state to teach. Everything else is extra work. This came to my personal opinion in the lecture of Prof. Dr. Schick a little too short.
The inventions of the individual awarded with prizes micro-macro groups were this time a little short. May well be that completed projects were placed in the lecture hall at the rear ends and corners and in the size of the lecture room are a little lost. The inventions could be reviewed in a form of Vernisage. Unfortunately, too little time to the inventions of the respect due to pay.
After about 1 Years micro-macro experience I can say that there are better in the past much Meetings, gave her both the organization and from the program and promoting the program to points.
Heute ab 7:15 Uhr fuhren wir zum 4. Regiomeeting in Villingen. The Steinbeis Transfer Center in Villingen Regional Meeting took this as an opportunity to celebrate themselves as "Land of Ideas" to leave.
We could hear a lecture about piracy and watched the matching movie "Flash of Genius." The vote of the film on the presentation was exemplary and didactic chosen wisely. The film highlighted the piracy problem, based on a true story. An inventor, Dr. of Electrical Engineering and a lecturer at a university manages the implementation of a grand, had not previously technically implemented the idea and is robbed. Ganz, as well as the micro- can undergo macro team. However, we are with the Steinbeis Transfer Centre safe against these attacks. How, I will come back later in the post yet. After the film was
it finger food and then started the talk marathon.
We were introduced to the Festo Education Fund, established for the promotion of prospective students and taught at the sorts of so-called soft skills would be (for example, building huts in the forest (the team) are working, captivate audiences verbally (rhetoric) , ...). The bridge between micro
macro FESTO and Education Fund was beaten: there are mentors who are micro-macro Contact Persons and to provide technical advice in the groups. Competent mentors do not know about a problem more notice may call the respective mentor other mentors together and discuss the problem. For each micro-macro team 2 mentors are provided.
Mr. Miller bridged the period until the arrival of Prof. Dr. Schick prepared with filler. In a stopgap, he noted that at the last Exhibition of Inventions (and here I return to o. Gen.), 6 of 8 registered patents through a patent attorney. Patents originated from the micro-project macro are free of charge and with the help of the Steinbeis Transfer Center of the patent attorneys were registered. In the patent application, there was consistently a problem: the employer had to the invention free. Since the invention was invented during the school year by each micro-macro team, the employer, the Regional Council (RP) was. The RP was in contact with the Steinbeis Transfer Center with the release of inventions not do anything. This is Mr Smith told an anecdote. The Steinbeis Transfer Center is not forget, that the disclosure of inventions would be accelerated.
Prof. Dr. Marion Schick, the chief of all the schools came to it. After the lecture and re-FESTO idea of micro- macro , You could connect to the lectern.
In your "non-paper";) praised it, the project micro-macro all borders. In speeches before, the so-called "MINT-gap" mentioned, which had included the Minister in her speech with. She was the wording of confidence that the MINT gap (not only) could be closed with the project micro macro as the participating students already exceptional amount of ideological position, technical understanding and curiosity mitbrächten to school . After making Prof. Schick to the micro-macro participating students and exceptional students.
presented after the lecture you have general questions. It was asked a question: The school system is too theoretical, if you can not bring a little more practice in the classroom? Ms Schick drew the following comparison: Practical work is an employee in the work of secondary schools and junior high schools forward. The school was created in theory. Then you concluded that it was important to discuss the desire to practice with the teachers concerned. Next
held them to the students to direct improvements in the public schools by e-mail personally to you. In the network to Mrs. Prof. Dr. Schick found the following e-mail address: Poststelle@km.kv.bwl.de .
We had lack of time and due to the train schedule before the awards ceremony " micro-macro as a land of ideas" go.
After the ceremony still Snike Competition and hosted exchange in the micro- macro had - place groups.
In my view we must forget in all micro-macro not a euphoria. And that is: the teacher as the primary task and as a primary task of the state to teach. Everything else is extra work. This came to my personal opinion in the lecture of Prof. Dr. Schick a little too short.
The inventions of the individual awarded with prizes micro-macro groups were this time a little short. May well be that completed projects were placed in the lecture hall at the rear ends and corners and in the size of the lecture room are a little lost. The inventions could be reviewed in a form of Vernisage. Unfortunately, too little time to the inventions of the respect due to pay.
After about 1 Years micro-macro experience I can say that there are better in the past much Meetings, gave her both the organization and from the program and promoting the program to points.
Friday, November 12, 2010
How Many Fags Will You Get With 12.5 Gramd
2. Konstruktionstag nach dem Konstruktionswochenende
Today, after three weeks micro-macro break, we met again to continue working on our project. Before the fall break, there were exchanges of USA and England forced a two-week break, during which we could not work together.
We started today with three teams of students who were responsible for various duties:
Nach der Hour, we found that we are still far from the goal of our work.
Next Wednesday we will but only once on the 4th Regional Meeting in Villingen go. After that we will meet again on Friday for 2 to our design Konstruktionstag weekend.
Today, after three weeks micro-macro break, we met again to continue working on our project. Before the fall break, there were exchanges of USA and England forced a two-week break, during which we could not work together.
We started today with three teams of students who were responsible for various duties:
- One group worked on the assembly of a Gelichrichters and the first soldering tests on board,
- Another group worked on the Perfektionierung unseres Schaltkreises, heute mit der Einarbeitung des Schaltkreises des Gleichrichters. Diese Arbeit ist bei weitem noch nicht fertig und unser Freeware CAD-Programm tinyCAD macht so seine Problemchen,
- Eine weitere Gruppe überlegte sich den Einbau der fertigen Platine, samt Gleichrichter, Generator und den Anschluss des ganzen an den Türschließer.
- Lötzinn, den wir kurzfristig aus der Physik entliehen hatten und
- eine Eisensäge, die wir noch besorgen müssen.
- Die Kurbel wurde entkörnt, so dass wir das Kurbelanschlussstück an unserem Generator freigelegt haben.
- Die Kurbel an sich nochmal in ihre Bestandteile zerlegt
Nach der Hour, we found that we are still far from the goal of our work.
Next Wednesday we will but only once on the 4th Regional Meeting in Villingen go. After that we will meet again on Friday for 2 to our design Konstruktionstag weekend.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Jcpenny Highlights Cost
[21:24:53] Alina: I should
[21:24:58] Alina: or should I not?
[21:25:39] Michelle: what then ?????
[21:25:48] Alina:
haha \u200b\u200b[21:25:51] Alina: just say
[21:26:16] Michelle:
do it [21:26:26] Michelle: one can only regret things which have been made
[21:26:28] Michelle: so open it
[21:26:30] Alina: okaaay
So on this cute Note down, I just decided in my eh good night whim, make my hair blond again, or try it. Michelle do you know if it does not work until you guilty even if you did not know what it was about: D
Wish me luck people, I need my blond hair back: (
Sunday, October 31, 2010
How Long Before You Loose With Zumba
Eisprinzessin vs Sonnenanbeterin
Same day same outfit same makeup!... .
same hairstyle
And yet bring both images as different moods over, that made me really excited; D
Same day same outfit same makeup!... .
same hairstyle
And yet bring both images as different moods over, that made me really excited; D
Which you like better
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Death The Kid Character Song Lyrics
Hier einmal das Outfit des Tages für euch ;)
Was denkt ihr, sieht die Strumpfhose schlampig aus? Hab sie extra gemütlicher kombiniert, damit es nicht billig aussieht :P Ist das raus-geh-tauglich ?
Hier einmal das Outfit des Tages für euch ;)
Was denkt ihr, sieht die Strumpfhose schlampig aus? Hab sie extra gemütlicher kombiniert, damit es nicht billig aussieht :P Ist das raus-geh-tauglich ?
Strumpfhose: von Mama geschenkt bekommen
Uggs: Primark
Shorts: ebenfalls von Mama
Pulli: H&M Men (lohnt sich auch da mal beim Sale zu gucken ;))
Top: Primak
Kette: Primark
Haarreif: Rossmann glaub ich ;)
Uggs: Primark
Shorts: ebenfalls von Mama
Pulli: H&M Men (lohnt sich auch da mal beim Sale zu gucken ;))
Top: Primak
Kette: Primark
Haarreif: Rossmann glaub ich ;)
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Typical Cells In A Pap Smear
first Recently I think only to the shooting.
second my penis is just too small.
3. Right now I hear Jakob via Skype:)
4th Chicken Fajita I find particularly satisfying.
5th The last person I hugged has embraced me: D
6th hair color back or not better?
7th As for the weekend, I'm voted indifferent tonight I am down on my bed , tomorrow I have planned a meeting in the town with Michelle and Sunday I want to chill .
Broken Capillariesbreast
The Scene // Outfit of the day
modest Say, if you are bored all the pictures! ;)
I find beautiful and not afraid: At some point I've also photographed and presented here all the time: P
Hungarian cigarettes - my first and: ÄÄTSCHi! I paid € 2.70 for 19 tilt:)
modest Say, if you are bored all the pictures! ;)
I find beautiful and not afraid: At some point I've also photographed and presented here all the time: P
My favorite picture.
The typical "You can tell me all mal' attitude:)
I love the picture because of the sun.
outfit of the day on which I am very proud. How do you like?
The Beautiful Danube:)
The game-child, what is in me: P
Rumgealber a bit with my little sister K :)
It is well so that this is so unascharf;)
Hungarian cigarettes - my first and: ÄÄTSCHi! I paid € 2.70 for 19 tilt:)
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