Saturday, December 25, 2010

Diagram And Parts Of Camera

Was ist Liebe ?

love is ..

... to understand the other even without words

... unconditionally ... the other to accept with all its faults and appreciate ...
to sacrifice for the others in every situation ... the
search for the lost half of ourselves
... wonderful ... & vital
an invention of people.
protect themselves ... when two lonely, touch and talk.
... life, because they open feeling, intellect and senses.
... to see with every fiber of his heart for someone wenn er nicht da ist.
...wenn man jemanden liebt, obwohl man ihn kennt.
...sich weiterzuentwickeln einem glücklich zu sein und ihn am besten für immer in die arme schließen kann und nie wieder loslässt
...wenn zwei herzen zu einem verschmelzen
...den anderen schon zu vermissen, obwohl er noch bei einem ist

Aber Liebe ist auch...

...verrückt und dickköpfig

Aber in Wirklichkeit ist Liebe nur eines: unbeschreiblich !

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Can You Still Get Pregnant With Cervical Erosion

mikromakro-hoba goes wordpress

We have decided to and that we move our blog on WordPress. Word Press is the leading blogging platform, and will remain so. Wordpress offers us more opportunities to make our blog.

our blog, you can now be reached at .

This blog is administered not more of us.

Stay true to ourselves, and up-to-date with our new blog platform WordPress .

Friday, December 10, 2010

Completely Precipitate

Kleine Schritte...

Today was the work of our project is not as successful as the previous day. Nevertheless, much has been done.

Today was
  • Die Fertigkeiten im Platinenätzen vertieft
  • Eine neue Methode zur Digitalisierung des Schaltkreises ausprobiert
  • Unser neuer "Foliendrucker" eingeweiht und installiert
  • Festgestellt, dass falsche Folien für die Belichtung der Platine gekauft wurden (Die Folien können jedoch noch umgetaucht werden)
  • Die Arbeit am Platinenbelichter vertieft
  • Unsere Ätzlösung angesetzt
  • Der Platinenätzer in ohne Platine ausprobiert
Die Arbeit an unserem Projekt kann verbessert werden, durch
  • Besseres Management in den Gruppen
  • Das Vorhandensein aller Utensilien die you need to work
conclusion to draw that out of my day:
  • We go with 3 teams next Friday in the race.
  • The 1 Team looks after the exposure of the board and the subsequent etching
  • The 2 Team takes care of the suspension of the generator directly to the door closers
  • The 3rd Team takes care of the Function of the etched circuit
  • prevails idle in each group, then right on and given.
Despite the disappointing day, we were able to draw some lessons from that day.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Continuity Test For A Stator

Walking in a Winter-Wonderland

Huhu ! :-)

I also meld again:-D I've finally
the pictures from last week organized, as I was with friends at a house party and the next morning, I'm hung over, with Nele went walking in the forest and it was magical!
Here I have the pictures for you:

Friday, December 3, 2010

Universal Smart Charger

Ein langer Weg bis zum Ziel

have noticed today we that it is a long way to our first prototype. In addition, the printer can be ordered for the film Platinenätzen coming, which makes our work really is not.

Still, we had today a new idea for fixing the generator at our door. We will not weld, but stifteln. We all hope that next week, ordered materials, small parts, tools, and are eingetrudelt especially our new drill press to come to our project a little further.

Richard, Nina and Laura have made today, the digitization of the electronic circuit board for our circuit largely completed to ask. So we can begin to etch next Friday. Of course, that the printer is there then.

Nicolai and Soren have now paid attention to the mounting of the generator at the strike continues, the rest was occupied with research. Mr Kuntze finally ordered the materials for the advancement of our project.