Friday, April 23, 2010

Difference Between London Broil Brisket

Offizieller Mikromakro-Blog wurde eröffnet

Today marks the start signal was given to an explosion of blog entries.

the official micro-macro-blog is opened and from today it can be exchanged through the medium of experience around the competition.

I hope we can soon discover interesting posts.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Beef Brisket Cuts And London Broil

3. mikromakro-Regionalmeeting in Mannheim

Today we have at the 3rd Regional Meeting in Mannheim as "good practice" example presented, and that's not bad in my eyes:

For some of us began the day in the morning at 5:00 clock. We met at the station clock 6:55 Baden-Baden, at the third to Mannheim to drive regional meeting of micro-macro . Two students, only to rise in Karlsruhe. The meeting was held this year in Mannheim Technoseum (formerly Museum of Technology Mannheim).

time for the reception (9:30 clock), we arrived at the Technoseum and had half an hour to do with waiting.

Opened After Mr. Miller (Leiter des Steinbeis-Transfer-Zentrums in Schwetzingen) das Meeting. Er gab uns einen Programm-Abriss des heutigen Tages, danach war Herr Beer dran.

Herr Beer, stellvertretender Leiter der Baden-Württemberg-Stiftung (vormals Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg, Ausrichterin des 3. Mikromakro-Meetings und obendrein noch Sponsorin der Nano-Ausstellung im Technikmuseum Mannheim) lobte in seiner Rede wie schon beim ersten Meeting Baden-Württemberg als das Erfinderland schlecht hin. Billigproduktionsländer seien für uns von keiner Bedeutung, da wenn diese mit der Produktion anfingen, wir schon weiter in der Weiterentwicklung der Technologie als (weiter)denkende Baden-Württemberger seien. So dem Wortlaut after his speech.

then was the deputy director of the Technoseums turn (name escapes me unfortunately). He praised the Technoseum as an outstanding example of the mediation of experiments that can be made by the visitors, in conjunction with current museum exhibits. This is different than in the science buildings, the offer would be isolated from their exhibitions experiments.

Afterwards, Ms Guese, organizing director of the micro-macro contest an overview of numbers. Thus, in the number of students who regard competition from the Baden-Württemberg Foundation would promote increased fourfold in contrast to the first support shaft, which has already been distributed in the spring of last year.

Then came the "good practice" interviews. Starting from the "old timers" who have been here about a year, ended with the "young boy" who have entered the second round only, so are we. We were able to present the third recent example of the day: "All-in-one solution for doors.

Mr. Miller was, as always, a couple of trick questions on stock.

You have to know it was in the run-in e-mails to the meeting, dass wir als Good-Practice-Beispiel uns auf nix vorzubereiten hätten (weder Folien noch Inhalt). Wir sollten einfach drauf los reden. Das hätten die vor uns auch so gemacht.

Am Anfang durfte ich unsere Schule und unser Schülerclientel vorstellen, danach wurde das Mikrofon an die Schüler weitergereicht, und es ging ans Eingemachte.
Herr Müller begann erst einmal mit ein paar einleitenden Fragen, wie z. B. Was muss ich mir unter einer All-in-One-Lösung für Türen vorstellen? oder wo könnte diese Lösung eingesetzt werden? Dran im Interview war Marc-Peter. Er beantwortete brav die beiden ersten Fragen, bis ...

Herr Müller now changed from harmless to preserves. "How much energy can be an angry housewife who wants to beat the door to me as a bad husband to cross-gain from this solution?" ...

On this question we had thought to date nor we exchanged it. So there was no answer. We would have expected, actually.

But Marc-Peter mastered this test with flying colors. "Of course it depends on how angry the wife is rein you out of sheer anger at the door, without making it to, then of course we have zero energy gain. " Suddenly, the audience laugh on our side and Mr Smith also had to smile. The acid test was passed and we were soon dismissed it.

After it went about eating. Mrs. Guese tried before as soon as possible to present the next dates of micro-macro competition. "Tried" because all the invited guests were trying as fast as possible even to come to the food. It was already well over "12 clock" (12:10 clock or something). With great difficulty you could the "mob" before getting up and leaving the hall or "volume". Short 5 minutes was still present, then all went to dinner.

Now for the food: The food at the 2. (also 1. für uns in Rust) Regionalmeeting war um Welten Besser.

Danach gab es die Techno-Ralley. Leider konnten wir keinen Preis bei der Technoralley ergattern. Preisverleihung und Ziehung der Gewinner war direkt um 14:30 Uhr.

Ein Teil von uns brach danach nach Baden-Baden auf, der andere Teil blieb noch in Mannheim, um die Nano-Ausstellung im Technoseum zu besuchen.

Die einzigen Fotos, die ich hier Posten kann, sind Fotos von der Nano- und Bionik-Ausstellung. Mehr Fotos finden sie bald in Kürze durch einen Linkvermerk auf diesem Block oder über Twitter (je nach dem, was sich als nächstes anbietet). Das Eingangs im Block Photo shown is part of a macro shot of a foot of a fan-coil units, which can literally climb up the smooth wall.

see, there was a very eventful day, not only for me but for my students (that probably because they see that this is probably the longest block entry of this block).

We are still in good spirits and set us on the challenges of our project.

Marcus Kuntze